Archive | June, 2013

Rocks, Coats, and Transformation, oh my!

19 Jun

How our metaphors can shape us, for good and ill, and how we can reshape them: powerful insights from Monica Garcia, PhD, of Divine Light Coaching.

Divine Light Coaching

I am thinking about metaphor today.  I tend to think that way a lot; seeing a picture in my mind helps me connect in a deeper way with a thought or a process in play.  Some days I absolutely need my metaphors — to ground me, help me get out of my worm’s eye view, change my perspective.


One of my earliest and still very relevant metaphors is a rock.  I connected deeply to it when I first heard Simon and Garfunkel’s song “I Am a Rock” as a girl.

I was preteen (possibly 10, the year of my parents’ divorce), and I loved the idea of making myself a rock that feels no pain and an island that never cries.  The song always made me cry because even then I knew that hopes for such transformations were pretty futile.  Then in my 20’s, the metaphor of the rock…

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